


게시판 내용
Special Issue CFP: Journal of Advertising "Reimagining Advertising Research: 50 Years and Beyond"
조회수 : 414   |   2021-05-28

Special Issue CFP: Journal of Advertising "Reimagining Advertising Research: 50 Years and Beyond"



Manuscripts are currently being solicited for the Journal of Advertising’s 50th Anniversary Special Issue dedicated to Reimagining Advertising Research: 50 Years and Beyond.

This Special Issue is aimed at looking to the future and proposing new theories and/or new aspects of advertising practice that may be fruitful in studying and explaining advertising in the years ahead. Papers should be forward-looking and consider what will likely be important for advertising research and theory in our changing society and advertising practices.

Work is strongly encouraged that makes new (or renewed) connections to the disciplines that are not well represented or not being applied to their maximum potential in the extant advertising research and theory. Of course, all papers should be relevant to the broad global readership of the Journal of Advertising. Here, advertising is defined broadly, as reflected in the recent Journal of Advertising Special Issue on The Future of Advertising (Journal of Advertising, Volume 45 Issue 3). The hope is that the papers in this issue will help spur thinking in new directions that can expand our understanding and conceptualization of advertising knowledge. Thus, papers on all research topics related to all types of advertising are welcome.

Both conceptual and empirical work that presents ground-breaking original ideas and new research directions is welcome.

Submission deadline: December 1, 2021

All manuscripts should be submitted through the JA ScholarOne System at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ujoa, during November 15 – December 1, 2021. Authors should select “SPECIAL ISSUE: Reimagining Advertising Research: 50 Years and Beyond” as “Manuscript Type.” Please also note in the cover letter that the submission is for the Special Issue on Reimagining Advertising Research: 50 Years and Beyond.


  • All articles will undergo blind peer review by at least two reviewers.
  • Authors will be notified no later than February/March 2022 on the preliminary decision over their manuscript for the next round of review.
  • The anticipated date for publication of the Special Issue is October/December 2022.


Any questions about the Anniversary Special Issue can be sent to the guest editors: Drs. Jisu Huh and Ron Faber at JAturns50@gmail.com.


We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Warm regards,
Jisu Huh and Ron Faber

University of Minnesota

file0 File #1   |   JA CFP Reimagining Ad Research.pdf
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